Wondering if God is there for you? And Linkup!

Lover of Your Soul

Do you ever struggle to feel like God is active in healing your marriage and life?

Do you wonder if He hears your prayers or is “for” you in the daily struggles you encounter?

I had a day yesterday that, if I lived by the circumstances or my feelings, could have confirmed that God was against me or at least didn’t care about my life. It was one of THOSE days, where everything seemed to go haywire, from my internet (router) dying to having one mishap after the other—including getting the squeakiest cart at Target that was also “sneaky” since it didn’t start squeaking and “dragging” until I was already fully engaged in my shopping pursuit and thought, “Eh, I can ignore it! I’ll make it through!” Not-so-much!

I know, I know! These are small potatoes!

And hear me! I’m not complaining, although I will admit to being annoyed yesterday. And the temptation is here today too, since my Internet woes continue. {I know, your heart bleeds for me!} 😉

But here’s the thing … none of that matters! In the big scheme of things—which we all must be aware of the spiritual realm—I’m actually blessed beyond measure and don’t deserve a single blessing, yet God gives and gives!

Why do I say that?

Here’s what I remind myself of …

1.  I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms –

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus …” -Ephesians 2:6* {Imagine that!}

2.  I am a “co-heir with Christ” –

“Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory.” -Romans 8:17*

3.  I am Christ’s bride –

“… As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.” –Isaiah 62:5b*

4.  He fights for me and sings love songs over me –

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” –Zephaniah 3:17*

5.  He is my Spouse even if I feel rejected by my earthly spouse –

“‘For your Maker is your Husband—the Lord Almighty is His name—the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer … The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife-deserted and distressed in spirit—a wife who married young, only to be rejected,’ says your God.” –Isaiah 54:5-6*

“They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.” –Isaiah 62:12*


As believers, we have this incredibly rich well of grace that is ours in Christ! I encourage you to meditate on these truths the next time you feel abandoned, misunderstood, rejected, criticized, crushed, worthless; and I’m certain that Christ will put His arm around you and remind you of just how precious you are to Him.

Who could remain stressed, depressed or “annoyed” with that truth flooding our hearts? Will you join me? {For a printable graphic of these truths, click here!}


What trials, challenges or stressors are you currently facing?


What blessings has God given you—especially in your marriage—lately?


If you aren’t a believer or unsure about your relationship to Christ, then check this out!

I didn’t get around to mentioning that the winner of last week’s book giveaway was Ugochi from Teshuva. Congrats to you, Ugochi, and thanks to all the rest of you who commented!

*All verses are taken from the NIV Bible and any emphasis or added capitalization is mine.

Joining with my friends at  Works for Me Wednesday,  Wifey Wednesday,  Coffee and Conversation,  Wholehearted Wednesday,  Whimsical Wednesday,  What You Wish Wednesday, and Simply Said Mom.

Now it’s time for Wedded Wednesday!
Grab our WW Button Code here!

Messy Marriage

And don’t forget to include a link back here, because the easier people can find Wedded Wednesday, the more traffic I can send your way!

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16 responses to “Wondering if God is there for you? And Linkup!”

  1. I’ve wrestled with those crushed feelings lately, too. What you say is so true – to remind myself of who I am to Him:) It’s a constant battle some days, even minutes – but I keep bouncing back, grabbing hold! Thank you sharing your heart and reminding me NOT to give up! Shalom, Beth!


  2. He rejoices over me with singing. I love that one. 🙂 Hugs, my friend!


  3. What challenges…well, to be honest, today I found a bunch of swollen lymph nodes. Under the circumstances, not a good thing.

    I do feel alone, and scared to death…wait, maybe I should rephrase that. There’s no real sense of God rejoicing over me, and in this private Alamo, I’m soon going to be out of ammunition and fighting with my fists.

    But I still rejoice over Him. He has given me the grace and the strength to take this, and on the assumption that there’s a finite amount of crap in the world, He’s given it to ME, and spared someone else.

    Don’t get me wrong – I’m not altruistic, thinking I’m some sort of holy sacrifice. This is just exactly the kind of fight I like – dirty, brutal, deadly. I’ve won a bunch of those,and aim to win this one.

    I rejoice because God knows me, and He cared enough to send the very worst…so I could turn it into the very best.


  4. In the grand scheme of things I have nothing major to complain of either but being human I do have those days that you described above. In fact, the holidays, which should be full of joy, tend to cause me a lot of stress. Since all of my family lives out of town and dad and I are still here, they come to us. It’s a blessing that they do the traveling but I am the one hosting everything. God has been teaching me about peace and stillness in a big way recently. I pray that we may all feel this peace as the holidays descend on us.
    I love the list of truths above and am blessed by those especially 3 and 4. I feel God’s love and it is in the messy that He swoops in most and reminds me that He is there. Thank you for these! Hugs and love friend!


  5. Dear Beth

    Thank you for these verses: I’ve saved the jpeg to my phone for ease of reference. I love #1 and #4 and I like the image in Isaiah of the human as a fallen woman who finds her way back to righteousness.

    > What trials, challenges or stressors are you currently facing?

    Just extended mild unpleasantness, mostly to do with work. That all triggers the further challenge of responding to the stress in an “appropriate” and constructive manner.

    > What blessings has God given you—especially in your marriage—lately?

    Ha! I see what you did there: this is forcing me to think of something nice coming from the marriage relationship. Well she is trying hard, but I am blocking.

    The blessing I have is friendly messages from people out here. The special Christian mixture of challenge and comfort.

    (in the doldrums this morning :D)



  6. Beth, you have pointed out so well that we have “this incredibly rich well of grace that is ours in Christ”. Oh that we would remember this truth in the very moment we feel overwhelmed. Each day may we trust in the mighty grace & power of our Lord, for therein lies the secret to victory. Grateful to have been here this morning!


  7. […] Sharing with Wedded Wednesday. […]


  8. Speak truth, sweet sister in Christ. Speak truth. I have had one of those pesky carts myself, and boy if you are having a day, it can bring a girl over the edge. But we have an awesome God who cares about our experiences with those pesky carts, as well as the brokenness in our lives and our marriages. Sweet words to start off my Wednesday! Here’s to hoping your day is filled with well oiled carts and a well oiled heart. Blessings!


  9. I love this post and the passages you’ve referenced, Beth!

    Yes, it is in Christ that I find my strength and my joy. His is my deepest covenant and He is my truest love.

    One of my favorite verses is “…the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). It’s His joy…the realization that He delights in me. His delight in my is my strength.

    Even on days when it seems I can do nothing right…when those I try hardest to serve seem to find fault with all I do…when failure and disappointment seem to follow me like a gloomy cloud…even on those days…maybe especially on those days…He delights in me and His joy is my strength!

    Thanks for sharing!


  10. Hi Beth — I feel like I haven’t been here in a million years. Now that the new site is up I look forward to linking up regularly. Great post, as usual, dear friend. Isaiah 62:12…something I so clung to in my single days. Recently I was FEELING like I was having a bad day or perhaps not really bad, but less than day (surrounding some dietary restrictions for health reasons) and as I silently moaned He ever so gently reminded me to think on WHAT I HAVE (TONS of blessings!) and stop focusing on the negative, that there were people all over the world who would give anything for a plate of veggies minus any and all grains. It stopped me in my tracks. Told Him I was sorry for the selfishness and thanked Him for keeping me healthy in a simple, holistic way. GOTTA LOVE OUR GREAT GOD. GOODER THAN GOOD. Blessings to you and I hope your computer issues are all better now. Love you! Keep in touch!


  11. Your post reminds me when I was in marriage where I did not feel loved and I did exactly what you are saying…I turned to the Lover of my soul. Thanks for the encouragement.


  12. I completely know what you mean about the cart! haha. But yes, remembering that I am truly blessed in so many ways is a great way to turn my attitude around! I have been doing your marriage prayer devotional. I try to start each prayer session with thanksgiving and gratitude. I saw a quote that said something along the lines of what would you have if you only had what you thanked God for yesterday. I realized I was not being thankful enough when I thought about that!


  13. The truths of these Scriptures hold fast, friend. And when things are unsettled and challenging … more than ever! Hugs.


  14. Wow, Beth, i feel soo encouraged! I’ve had one of “those” days too (didn’t involved a squeaky cart..at least not yet!) 🙂 . Finishing the book and the behind the scenes preps for launch, moving houses, the marriage conference, an upcoming trip…well, i feel like there’s a whole lot on my plate and not a whole lot of progress..at least not the type (or speed) i think i need. Thanks for the encouragement today, i am glad I red this post NOW. Thanks and many blessings!


  15. This was a very encouraging post for me. I had one of those days the other day and a potentially terrible thing happened and NOTHING broke. If something had, it would have been at a loss of $$$$ and I could not believe how God kept that from happening. I meant to get over last week for the linkup. I tried. My computer often just doesn’t cooperate and becomes sluggish. Oh well. I will try this week.


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