How Personal Passions Unite You as a Couple And WW Linkup

Dream as a CoupleMy husband and I have been working lately on a “dream that we share”to lead marriage seminars together. We’ve done a lot of marriage small groups, as well as, mentoring and counseling through our church and some through my life-coaching, but we have only just recently put into action parts of that “shared dream.”

I have to say it’s so exciting and has been drawing us closer together than ever before! And, I believe, working on some effort or project together as a couple has been hugely instrumental to our marriage becoming “less messy” over the years.

It’s just that when you both work toward a common goal and desire, you’re bound to grow closer and become more unified as a couple.

Do you and your spouse have something that you both are passionate about?

This can be a short-term project, like Aimee Imbeau and her husband’s recent effort to turn their new house into a home that they both love. In fact, she was the one who gave me the inspiration to add “dream-casting” to this week’s challenges. Thanks, Aimee! 

It can also be a long-term project. Maybe you both care about animals and want to volunteer with an organization that helps animals in need. Maybe you both love to run, so getting involved in any area races and marathons could be a great place to start and “finish!” (pardon the pun, I couldn’t resist!) 😉 An.y.way … the options are endless!

It’s simply a proven truth that …

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Week 4

Day One
Give your hubby a foot or back massage (his choice). Be sure to use oils or lotions to make it more relaxing for him and easier for you to work out those kinks.

Day Two
Take a “couple-selfie” of the two of you together, then share on FB, Instagram or text it to your best friends—encouraging them to take a couple selfie and post it somewhere!

Day Three
Using a dry erase marker, leave a little love note for your spouse on the mirror in your bathroom.

Day Four
Consider one area of your marriage that needs some focused “dream-time.” What do you both want to do in the future? Dream about a home project, ministry project, or family/couple’s vacation, etc.

Day Five
Schedule time to play a game with your hubby—break out the cards, or play a favorite board or computer game, then let the laughter ensue!

Day Six
Text your husband during the day, telling him about a romantic rendezvous you’d like to have with him later in the day. Then prepare your heart and mind to give yourself fully to your man at night’s end. (If sex with your guy continues to be a problem, make your challenge for this day to call a counselor and make an appointment to deal with your baggage.)

Day Seven
Schedule time to work together with your hubby on the “dream” you discussed back on day four of this past week. (Doesn’t have to happen today, simply should be “scheduled.”)

Click here for the Week 4 Printable!

I’d also like to give-away the book, 52 Uncommon Dates, to one commenter (that I’ll randomly select) who lives in the continental U.S. or Canada. So if you’d like to be entered to win, be sure to comment by Saturday evening, Aug. 15th. I’ll announce the winner on Sunday with my next edition of Sloppy Joe Time.

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Connection Challenge Blk

What dream do you and your spouse share that could be or is a springboard to togetherness?


What challenges or hindrances are you facing in finding that common passion?



Joining with my friends at Giving Up on Perfect, Wifey Wednesday, A Little R & R Wednesdays, Mondays @ Soul Survival, Coffee and Conversation, and Wholehearted Wednesday.

Join our Wedded Wednesday Linkup!
Add any links that are uplifting, helpful and encouraging to our spiritual lives, marriages and families!

Messy Marriage
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Messy Marriage"><img src="" alt="Messy Marriage" style="border:none;" /></a></div><<br<span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">​</span><span id="__caret">_</span><span id="mce_marker" data-mce-type="bookmark">​</span><span id="__caret">_</spa<br><br><br><br>BByt By<br>BBy 

Find our other WW buttons and guidelines here.

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to visit every blog that links up here, but I do try to visit the blogs of those who comment here. Most importantly, know that you all matter and provide great resources for this linkup!

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23 responses to “How Personal Passions Unite You as a Couple And WW Linkup”

  1. I am trying to keep up with the challenges, lots of great ideas Beth!


    1. Thanks so much for coming by and commenting, Erica! I know this was probably out of your comfort zone, but hopefully your efforts will be greatly rewarded. 😉


  2. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser Avatar
    Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    This is a wonderful post, Beth – the ideas are really lovely.

    For what it may be worth, I have found that shared dreams need to be nurtured, and cared for even when they are a long way from being fully realized. Instead of the dream house, having a ‘dream room’ that’ll be cherished and lovingly built into an image of the dream house writ small…that can keep the fires bright, and ready for the day when it can all REALLY begin.


    1. I agree, Andrew. There is much that a true dream requires, so planning and nurturing it are essential. I’m finding that to be true with the dream that my husband and I are working on. It’s been years in the process and still, in many ways, transforming to meet ever changing needs and limitations. Thanks for your encouragement, my friend!


  3. So many great ideas! My husband and I have a dream we have already started pursuing. Good enough it does not interfere with our job as ministers, it rather compliments the work we do currently.
    Thanks Beth, for sharing these ideas on how to dream, enhance and pursue the dream.
    Have a super blessed day!


    1. Yes, Ugochi, I think that the best, most realistic dreams are those that spring from the work we are already doing. After all, that is where most of our passion is being poured. I’m glad to hear that you and your hubby are ministering alongside each other. There is much that we have in common, it seems. Hugs to you, my friend!


  4. […] sing, Good morning Mondays, UNITE, Testimony Tuesday, Titus 2uesday, Titus 2 Tuesday, #RaRA linkup, Wedded Wednesday, A Little R & R, Wholehearted […]


  5. I can’t think of one other couple I’ve met that would be a better marriage seminar team than you guys. I’m excited about this potential, Beth! As God brings you to mind, I’m going to be talking to Him about pulling this great big dream together if that’s what He wants for you.

    What a glorious vision! What a huge need …


    1. Aww, you’re making me blush, Linda! I don’t know about that, but I do know that we are coming from a very authentic and seasoned place. I just hope that we are not too “seasoned” by the time everything falls into place! ha! Thank you for your offer to pray for us, my friend. That would be such a blessing to me. You are quite the encourager from afar!


  6. I love this and I remember how dreaming with my husband during the early years of our marriage did exactly what you describe above. The shared passion for moving toward a goal together does make a difference. I am praying that you and your husband’s dream of leading marriage seminars comes together as God’s will. I love being here each week and learning from you.


    1. It truly does focus our energies and passions, Mary. I often think of how instrumental the 12th step of the “12 Steps” is – going and pouring into the lives of others who struggle with what you’ve learned from your struggles. It’s a powerful catalyst in a singular life but multiplied when in motion by a couple in love! Thanks for your sweet words, my friend. I love having you linkup and visit with me here. 🙂


  7. I a a big dreamer by nature and love sharing that with my hubs! I just have to remember that all the dreams that I have, he does not have to have (and vis versa). We can share a few and support each other in a few!


    1. That’s great, Stasia. I have always been a big dreamer too. You bring up a great point as well. We can’t tell our spouse what they should be passionate about or force them to adopt our dream. But I bet there’s more that we each share with our partners, if we will take the time to evaluate and look for it each day. Thanks so much for adding to the conversation, my friend!


  8. As I was reading this, I realized that our Appalachian Trail excursions have definitely drawn us closer, and not without my learning LOTS of lessons about my attitudes. We are talking about taking this into New York now, which will mean overnights…and camping…sleeping on the ground with bugs and the possibility of encountering nocturnal creatures when I get up to use the…grass…in the middle of the night…it will either draw us closer…or…not. It will most certainly be a further lesson in trust for me, since I do not like sleeping outside. BTW, I LOVE #3!


    1. I bet, Mary! I’m so impressed by you and your husband’s efforts, especially that you continue to press forward in doing more and more. I think I would’ve given up a long time ago. You will have to write about it on your blog–telling us how this pursued passion deepens your bond and love. I’m betting this will most definitely draw you closer together! Don’t doubt it for a second, my friend! Thanks for your encouragement!


  9. I haven’t really considered creating a dream together in our marriage. Definitely food for thought! Thanks!


    1. Oh yes, it’s something that my husband and I have done all throughout our marriage. It wasn’t always the same dream, but it was and is always so much fun! Thanks for joining the conversation, Anastasia!


  10. Thank you, Beth! I love dreaming with my husband! Even if some, or many, never ‘come true’. There were some years where we lost the desire to dream. That made us both sad for each other. I remember the moment I started to dream again and Marcus said something about how wonderful it was for him to see me dream again.


    1. You have such a great guy for a hubby, Aimee. He has been such an encourager in your life. I’m so glad that you and your hubby are a testimony to that kind of healing–how a spouse can deeply impact the healing of our wounds. I think we often underestimate that power that we hold in our marriages. Thanks for your idea, my friend! It was a winner!


  11. How funny, Judith! Yes, I’ve seen some of your selfies with your guy! It can get rather annoying at times–at least that’s the way my kids view it when I try to take pics with them! ha! I’m so glad to hear that you and your hubby are growing closer. That’s such a rare thing. I hope you realize how blessed you are in that, Judith. I’m sure you do! And thanks so much for your vote of confidence in us. That means a lot to me!


  12. Hi Beth!! 😉 I know this is small, but these days, small dreams are big dreams. So, we dream about golfing together. We are FINALLY at the stage where the boys can tag along without much fuss (and they might even play!). We are super excited about being able to share this passion together – again – after many years “off.”


  13. Love all of your great ideas! Thanks for sharing your messiness and passion!


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