4 Year Blogaversary, Giveaways and Linkup!

MPG is God's Fuel

I can’t believe it’s been four years since I launched Messy Marriage way back in October of 2010. Since then, much has happened in my life and in the life of this blog, but one thing has remained constant … my personal pursuit of a surrendered heart to God. That’s because I know a surrendered heart is the only way God can redeem the messes of my messy marriage. And …

[Tweet “One of the ways God helps me keep a surrendered heart is through prayer. “]

About two years ago a friend of mine, Becky Boerner, asked me if we could form a marriage prayer group. So we went about the business of starting something that wasn’t very well-defined or clear to any of us. We just knew that God would lead us to the women who shared this need for corporate prayer for our marriages.

We began by inviting our friends to join us once a month to pray in a neutral location like a park or restaurant. Not every person accepted our invitation. Not every person needed the support that we felt we needed. And in time, it became fairly clear who wanted to remain an active MPG’er!

I have to say, God immediately began to knit our hearts together!

I think He loves to do that!

MPG Rszd 550

MPG Hall 550

In time, our group began to slowly grow. Over a year ago we decided to use Facebook as an alternative “meeting place” {though we still get together in person throughout the year}. So I created a private Facebook group with 15 members at the beginning.

We had been praying for one another all along, but in March of 2014 we began to go through the 16 week MPG Prayer Guide together. Then in early September of this year we “started” an addtional FB marriage prayer group, which has 14 new members. *

I can’t speak for all of the women who are a part of this marriage prayer group, but for me it has been such an enriching experience! I sense that God is stretching me in many ways to love, not only my husband better, but my Savior better as well! Funny thing is … the more I love my Savior and commune with Him on my own, as well as, joining with other wives turned prayer warriors, the more my love for my husband grows!

It’s a total win-win!

I soooo wanted to have my Forgiveness ebook ready for my current and future subscribers on this epic day, but alas, I could not get it finished in time. It’s a 25 chapter book based upon the Forgiveness series I did for six months last year, so needless to say, it’s a rather daunting project that requires more time than I have lately!

But I WILL finish it soon and when I do, my subscribers will be the prime recipients!

So today, in honor of 4 Years of MM, I’d like to offer for a limited time free copies of my MPG Prayer Guide ebook instead {which I will be selling in the future for a nominal cost} to any new subscribers of Messy Marriage between now and midnight Friday, October 10th, 2014.

If you’re already a subscriber to MM, then there are some other ways you can get a copy of this book:

Additionally, I’m giving away two other great marriage booksWhen Couples Pray Together and one of my all-time faves, Boundaries in Marriage, to two randomly selected individuals who leave a comment on this post by midnight Friday, Oct 10, 2014 {Must live in the continental U.S. or Canada to be selected}.


So tell me, how have you seen prayer positively impact your life and marriage?


What holds you back from joining with others to pray for your marriages?


*{BTW, there are reasons for keeping it a manageable size that are explained in the MPG ebook. I may share those reasons at a later time.}

The randomly selected winners of our two additional books are: Kristi who wins When Couples Pray Together and Shannon who wins Boundaries in Marriage. But a BIG THANK YOU to ALL of you who participated, have supported MM through the years and have encouraged me (Beth) to keep on letting God speak through my messes that never fail to reveal His redeeming love and power!

Joining with my friends at  Works for Me Wednesday, Wifey Wednesday, Coffee and Conversation, Wholehearted Wednesday, Whimsical Wednesday,  What You Wish Wednesday, and Essential Fridays.

Now it’s time for Wedded Wednesday!
Grab our WW Button Code here!

Messy Marriage

And don’t forget to include a link back here, because the easier people can find Wedded Wednesday, the more traffic I can send your way!

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22 responses to “4 Year Blogaversary, Giveaways and Linkup!”

  1. Hi Beth – Congratulations on your blogaversary! Four years is a great accomplishment


  2. Happy 4th! What a milestone and oh how God has walked you through these years. I have been blessed to be part of the last year with you and know that God had His hand in the two of us meeting through your blog home. I feel that God has a future for me that involves another relationship along the way and HE has been preparing my heart for several years now. Letting go of all my past fears is the last step and of course trusting Him with the course of my life. Thank you for all you do here at Messy Marriage and thank you for being my biggest encourager!


  3. Congratulations Beth! Thank you for sharing your testimony and being a blessing.


  4. Happy 4th! And congratulations!

    On prayer…I think Tennyson said it best, in “The Passing of Arthur”, from his poetic cycle “The Idylls of the King”:

    If thou shouldst never see my face again,
    Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer
    Than this world dreams of. Wherefore, let thy voice
    Rise like a fountain for me night and day.
    For what are men better than sheep or goats
    That nourish a blind life within the brain,
    If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer
    Both for themselves and those who call them friend?
    For so the whole round earth is every way
    Bound by gold chains about the feet of God.

    That said, my wife and I don’t pray together for our marriage. Since my survival is in doubt, the natural tendency is to build in some emotional and spiritual distance, so she can carry on with her life when I’m dead.

    Life isn’t a novel, and temporal endings are often unhappy. But one deals with things as they come, and there is a B side to life…and that song goes on forever.


  5. Jeree Bronnbauer Avatar
    Jeree Bronnbauer

    Congrats Beth!
    Prayer – I love the way prayer brings comfort and peace to our marriage and family. Small example is how my little ones are always restless at the dinner table until it’s time to pray. once we pray they are calm (but not for long). Just knowing that we are a family that prays together helps us to remember we are a family/marriage that is anchored in God and with His love, we will always be okay.


  6. Congratulations Beth! It is not easy to clog for four years and look what God has done!
    Prayer and the reverence of and for God has helped me in my marriage. Without Him, I couldn’t have stayed married, or enjoyed my marriage.
    Have a super blessed anniversary!


  7. CONGRATULATIONS! Four years, WOW! Your blog has touched so many lives but I’m going to sink down into myself for a moment and say I think God gave you this blog just for me!!!! (Okay, I guess I’ll let others benefit from you too. HAHA) God has used this blog to connect me to you and He has been stretching me and growing me ever since. (And not just growing me through the eating of YUMMY Glazy Squares Pumpkin Cake donuts either) Thank you for being such a great friend and a true DISCIPLE to me! Love you! (And I must say I kind of blushed when I saw my name on your write up – I feel so popular now.) Cheers to four more years of what God has in store for you.


  8. Beth!! 4 years! Congratulations and what perseverance! I’m blessed to be a part and I believe God is helping me to keep my mouth shut more and my heart more open…He is helping me see my husband in new light, helping me honor Jason more. God has helped me to be calmer…And I pray He will continue to help me grow in ALL of the areas I still need maturing in…
    Beth, you are a blessing to me and Becky, you have been a blessing to me as well! Thank you for teaming up!


  9. Congratulations Beth! A wonderful milestone to celebrate. It is such a gift to have others you can pray & share with! May you be blessed as you continue writing & sharing with us all.


  10. Congrats on 4 years! 🙂 We are coming up on our 3 year blog anniversary! I subscribed to you on Youtube! Looking forward to seeing how you use that platform to bless others. Looking forward to receiving the ebook as well!


  11. Party, party, girlfriend!


    I never made the time last week to respond to your post, but I wanted to thank you for your honesty with this community. Too many people wander off to other projects, get bored with blogging, or are overwhelmed with life and just can’t fit it in to their schedules anymore. But they don’t share what’s happening that causes them to make those decisions, and it leaves their followers hanging or feeling abandoned. Or worse.

    I love that God is expanding your borders. That you only have 24/7 is true for us all, and it sounds like you’re making choices that are going to impact more people for the kingdom. Do we miss you hanging around less? Absolutely!! You are loved, valued, significant to many of us.

    But I am cheering you on. Hoping that you don’t take a permanent sabbatical, but if you need to, please follow His lead. I am LOVING your Sunday afternoon chats and hope they don’t disappear.

    Whatever. I love ya. And appreciate the labors of love you’ve got going on for the Kingdom.



  12. Happy Anniversary! Your blog is such an encouragement to me, I don’t often comment but read a lot 🙂 A marriage prayer group is such a great idea! I am discovering that praying specifically over areas of my life bring more clarity and comfort to me. I hope to read your encouraging words for many years to come.


  13. Congrats Beth! What an exciting adventure and journey you have been on… looking forward to continued growth and success 🙂


  14. How exciting to see what God has done through your faithfulness and perseverance! Too often I let busyness get in the way of praying for my marriage and making it a priority. I see so much fruit when I obediently follow God’s leading and keep my marriage in the forefront of my priorities, He never fails to soften my heart when I begin praying for my marriage and spouse…particularly over difficult things. Our God takes the small pieces of our hearts we timidly give Him and creates masterpieces.


  15. Congratulations on your blog’s anniversary, Beth! I have never thought about having a prayer group just for one’s marriage before. What a fantastic idea!


  16. Happy Anniversary Beth! I am so glad I found you and so look forward to reading your posts… They speak to my heart. God bless you. …


  17. Congratulations, Beth! I have enjoyed reading your blog, and I’ve learned a lot from it and you! So, thanks for sharing!

    I have noticed that when I am conscious and intentional about taking time to pray, I am just generally in a much better mindset to be calm and graceful and generous- which is what I strive to be in my marriage and as a mother. 🙂


  18. Love your blog…..prayer definitely helps me to stop and take a step back. A way to remember we are all imperfect people. It also allows me to ask God for help where I fail as a wife instead of pointing fingers at my husband.

    I think I have alway been hesitant to join a marriage prayer group because I don’t like people to know I’m imperfect and need help (not that anyone really believes that). However I have always struggled to ask for help or let people see that I need the help.


  19. Love your perspective on Messy Marrige. It truly gives me a lot to contemplate.


  20. I pray for my marriage but you are challenging me to pray more intentionally. Thanks Beth. I love the prayer group you started. What a blessing to all who are in it.


  21. […] Sharing with Family Fun Friday and Messy Marriage. […]


  22. […] Copyright© Ugochi Oritsejolomisan 2014 Photo Credit: 1hdwallpapers Sharing With: Wedded Wednesday  […]


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