The Day I Walked Out on My Husband And WW Linkup

Today we have Aimee Imbeau who blogs at A Work of Grace with us sharing a guest post and hosting Wedded Wednesday while I am on vacation. I hope you’ll welcome her with oodles of comments and encouragement! 😉

I was devastated by his careless words spoken the night before as I walked out my door, bag in hand. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be. This was not my fairytale happy life that Hollywood displayed in their movies. This was not written in any of the romance novels I had read in my young life. No. But this was the day I walked out on my husband.

Walked Out On My Husband

Trouble Is Brewing

We were barely into our first year of marriage when I noticed something wasn’t quite right between us. He seemed very distant and cold. I asked him what was going on. I was terrified. And this is what he said:

“I love you, but I’m not in love with you.”

WHAT?!?! What is the difference? What are you talking about? I didn’t know what to think. I was heart-broken and so very, very confused.

What had I done?

The following day, when he was at work, I packed some of my belongings and went to a friend’s house for the night, uncertain of what the next day would hold for me…for my marriage.

I didn’t sleep well that night and I had no idea if Marcus even knew where I was…or if he even cared.

I went to my parent’s house after that. I didn’t know where to go or what to do. I remember sitting outside with the sun warming my face. All of a sudden, I felt this incredible urge to return home.

I heard God speak to my heart, “This is no longer your home. Your home is with your husband.”

I obeyed.

Romans 12 12

Homeward Bound

It was Marcus’ day off, so I wasn’t sure what would be waiting for me at home. I imagined the worst – I have a pretty crazy imagination. Thoughts of strange women being in my home floated through my mind. “Maybe he had a party because I was gone.” The horrible thoughts continued to flood my mind.

I pulled into the driveway…his car was gone. Again, my imagination went wild. “He went out last night to party and never came home…who knows where he is! Or who he is with!”

I unlocked the front door and entered my empty home. What I saw was evidence of what had happened the night before. The coffee table was heaped with used Kleenex and our wedding video was in the VCR. He had been crying while watching our wedding video. That was promising.

I called people I knew to see if they knew where he was. I called his mom. She wasn’t home, so I left a message.

Finally, he called me. He said he was coming home. I asked him for how long.

He said ‘FOREVER’.

Relief washed over me. I knew it was going to be ok.

The Good Stuff

If you knew Marcus and me only now, you would never guess that we walked through something like that. You’d never know the rocky times we endured afterwards. You would not have seen the hurt I forgave him for or the pain I caused him where he washed me with mercy. All you’d see is the ‘good stuff’.

Romans 8 28

[Tweet “A healthy, strong marriage doesn’t just happen. #persevere”]

It is the fruit of a couple who didn’t give up when they could have. It is the fruit of returning home when I wanted to run far away. It is the fruit of extending grace, mercy and forgiveness many, many times and not keeping track of that number.

It is the fruit of making God the center of the marriage instead of me…or my spouse.

A good marriage doesn’t happen because life is full of bliss and fairytales.

[Tweet “A good marriage grows out of difficult times that are worked through. #trustGod”]

If you are going through a complicated season in your marriage, don’t lose hope. Use it to strengthen your marriage and build up your faith and trust in the Lord.

Then wait for the ‘good stuff’.

Aimee editAimee is a home educating support teacher who lives in the sunny Okanagan, BC. Aimee has been blissfully married for 17 years and still swoons at the sight of her tall, dark and handsome husband, Marcus. When she isn’t home educating her 3 kids, she enjoys sewing, quilting, scrapbooking and hanging out with her family. She blogs over at A Work of Grace. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.


[Tweet “Join us for another Wedded Wednesday Linkup @ Messy Marriage! #Christianencouragement”]


In what ways can you relate to Aimee’s messy marriage moments?


In what ways can you relate to her story of God’s redemption in your own life and/or marriage?

Joining with my friends at Giving Up on Perfect, Wifey Wednesday, A Little R & R Wednesdays, Mondays @ Soul Survival, Coffee and Conversation, Coffee for Your Heart and Wholehearted Wednesday.

Join our Wedded Wednesday Linkup!
Add any links that are uplifting, helpful and encouraging to our spiritual lives, marriages and families! Be sure to add a link on your blog back to Wedded Wednesday or Messy Marriage as well.

Messy Marriage
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Find our other WW buttons and guidelines here.

Unfortunately, I’m moving into a very busy season and don’t have enough time to visit every blog that links up here. I will try to visit the blogs of those who comment here, but if I don’t, know that I appreciate the content you bring to the linkup! Thanks so much!

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34 responses to “The Day I Walked Out on My Husband And WW Linkup”

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser Avatar
    Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    What a story! Thank you so much for sharing it.

    I could draw some parallels from my situation; being terminally ill can do weird things to a relationship.

    But I think I won’t, because it’s a bit too hard to think about, much less write.


    1. Thank you, Andrew. I can see how you’d be able to draw some parallels. And I understand that it would be difficult to write/think about. I continue to pray for you, brother.


  2. What an awesome story and incredible God post. Thank you for sharing!


    1. Yes, an incredible God!! He is so faithful and patient with us! I’m glad you enjoyed this read.


  3. What a beautiful testimony! It is sure to encourage & bless many!


    1. Thank you JViola. I’ve been wanting to share this little story for some time now. I do pray and hope it brings much encouragement to others.


  4. “A good marriage doesn’t happen because life is full of bliss and fairytales.” Amen! My husband and I were on the brink of divorce several years ago. It’s truly by the grace of God we are still together. Every one of those hard places we have walked through together have strengthened our marriage in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Thanks for sharing your powerful testimony here, Aimee!


    1. Thank you for sharing your experience here, Candace. I am so glad that God brought you and your husband through those difficult times and that you allowed Him to use those times to strengthen your marriage. I think it is stories like ours that young married couples need to hear – maybe even older ones…the bumps and bruises don’t mean it is the end. It is another opportunity to let God work and to extend grace, mercy and forgiveness.


  5. Great encouragement through your story. I love how you urge us to “wait for the good stuff”. With God, we will always find it. Thank you for hosting today!


    1. Yes! With God, we will always find the good stuff! Thank you, Mary.


  6. What a beautiful testimony! Too often couples are willing to give up rather than work through it. Your story illustrates the problem I have with “falling in love”. If one can “fall” in love, then one can just as easily “fall out”. Love is a choice and marriage is a commitment. Cheryl @The Long Way to Go


    1. Once in a while, my husband and I will talk about this story and have a little chuckle – we both realize just how ridiculous we were being. Him for what he said and me for leaving. He always concludes by saying something like “I didn’t know anything back then”. We believed marriage would be easier. I am so, so thankful we didn’t give up. That time or any other time.


  7. bluecottonmemory Avatar

    Your story has such wisdom! There’s strength and endurance – and that’s what marriages need to overcome! You are right about the fruit of staying – believing and working hard! Rejoicing for your happiness!


    1. Wisdom – it is hard for me to think of myself in that way – but it is what I have asked God for many, many times. Wisdom comes through so many ways – reading His word, good teachings, other people, prayer…and through the storms of life. Thank you for rejoicing with me!


  8. What a positive and hopeful word today, Aimee!

    Thanks for sharing your story and sharing words of encouragement!

    Hope you have a blessed day~


    1. Thank you Melanie. I pray that others feel a sense of hope and encouragement through this story. That really is my longing through any post I write.


  9. Excellent story of obedience to God in spite of your feelings. Thanks for sharing it. I’m sure it will encourage many.


    1. Obedience in spite of how I was feeling – that’s always tough, isn’t it? And scary. It is learning to trust Him and know His faithfulness.


  10. Thank you Sheila. Yes, it really was just the beginning, wasn’t it?


  11. Aimee I loved this story! Praise God for His moving on your behalf!. I hope it encourages someone today.


    1. I am so glad you enjoyed my little story, Mary! I am so glad to be able to share it with Beth’s readers. I hope and pray it brings much encouragement to at least one person’s heart.


  12. […] Copyright© Teshuva 2015 Sharing With: Wedded Wednesday […]


  13. Twice I dropped my ring and declared our marriage was over, twice my husband refused to let me go and 3 boys, 15 years and counting I am amazed at how foolish I was.
    Thanks for sharing Aimee, thank God for grace to forgive and persist and work at your marriage.
    Thanks for hosting Beth, enjoy your vacation.


    1. I love how you say your husband refused to let you go! We’ve all been foolish in one way or another – but marriage is our our example of God’s love for us – full of grace, mercy and forgiveness. I’m so glad you shared your story here, too. The more we share our stories, the more others will see that their is hope through Christ for their lives and for their marriages.


  14. Aimee, so much truth here, friend! Marriage is hard work! And the tough times that we work through can make us so much stronger!


    1. Marriage is hard work! But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. God has proved His faithfulness in my marriage so much. Thank you, Lori.


  15. Hi Aimee, I always enjoy your articles. I really love Aimee’s Book on parenting. She emphasizes on working on our marriages and how it affects our parenting.
    Thank you Beth for sharing Aimee’s testimony here.
    Thanks for hosting the giveaway too.
    God Bless


    1. Ifeoma, you blessed this heart of mine so much. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. You have no idea what it means to me.


  16. Bonnie Lyn Smith Avatar

    Enjoyed this very much! Tweeting and pinning! What an important message!


    1. Thank you for sharing my story Bonnie! I appreciate it! And it is very important for us to share our stories. Our stories display the glory of God.


  17. […] To continue reading, head on over to Beth’s site for my post The Day I Walked Out on My Husband And WW Linkup. […]


  18. Yes, sometimes we do need to go through fire to be refined. Thank you for commenting Michelle.


  19. Great post, Aimee. I’m so glad you allowed God to work through your marriage even when it looked hopeless. I especially liked this line: “I heard God speak to my heart, ‘This is no longer your home. Your home is with your husband.’”


  20. […] Copyright© Ugochi Oritsejolomisan 2015 Sharing With: Wedded Wednesday […]


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